Geunhee Lee
Clean Air, Green Travel
Clean Air, Green Travel
what I did

User Research

User Analysis

UI Design


Ruoming Fang

Yichun Fan

Chenab Navalkha

How might we inform and nudge people to support greener transit mode?

Air pollution constitutes a major global problem. Globally, indoor and outdoor air pollution causes 7 million premature deaths each year, with 4 million of these deaths attributed to outdoor, or ambient, pollution  (Landrigan PJ et al. 2018). One-third of deaths from stroke, lung cancer, heart disease, and other respiratory illnesses are attributed to the impacts of air pollution (Lelieveld J et al. 2015). The World Health Organization estimates that 9 out of 10 people across the world breathe in high levels of pollutants on a regular basis and that 80% of people living in urban areas are exposed to air quality levels that are worse than the WHO’s guideline limits (World Health Organization, 2018). Though air pollution has impacts across the world, particulate pollution is more heavily lowering the life expectancy of those living in the developing and industrializing countries in South and East Asia (Air Quality Life Index, 2020). 

This issue is especially severe for countries like China. According to the University of Chicago’s Air Quality Life Index, since 2013 China has made progress in mitigating air pollution through a series of ambitious policies. Across the country, concentrations of particulate pollution were 10% lower than they were in 2013. However, significant progress remains necessary to continue to mitigate the negative health impacts of air pollution. 

Therefore, for our project, we focus on developing innovative strategies leveraging smart sensing technology and a behavioral nudge to reduce transportation emissions of Zhengzhou by encouraging bus mobility.  “Smart City” and “Green City” are two of the most important initiatives in contemporary China. On one hand, as many as 154 Chinese cities have introduced proposals to build a smart city, according to the China Communications Industry Association under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Enterprises are also eager to “go smart,” envisioning great business opportunities that harness smart technologies to attract broader customers. On the other hand, due to the environmental problems associated with its rapid urbanization, the Chinese government has declared a “war on pollution” and introduced numerous green initiatives to achieve sustainable development. Faced with double pressure from both the government and the consumers, “going green” is an unavoidable step in a company’s thriving path. How to integrate urban technologies to achieve the goal of making the city “smartly” green in urban mobility is compatible with policy recommendation and business development strategies, and can effectively “hit two birds with one stone.”

Zhengzhou, China (2020.01.13~2020.01.21)

Due to the significance of the problem and the limited availability of low-cost solutions, we developed, with the cooperation with Yutong Group, the largest bus manufacturer and operator in China, a proposal to explore the potential of rendering air pollution avoidance an internal motivation for citizens to take green transportation (i.e., bus) more often. Yutong is an ideal collaborator for this project since their autonomous bus system has an advanced technology infrastructure, including high-speed communication, sensing technology and air purification system, to support the seamless integration of our ideas to materialed product. Furthermore, Yutong is expanding the autonomous bus to larger areas of the city, and this will likely be the mobility of the future which our system can be readily expandable to larger service areas.

Touchpoints research →

Literature review

We find three important threads of literature relevant and informative for our project designs. First, since one of the central goals of our project is to encourage green travel, we looked into the literature on the theory and application of green nudge to understand what psychological mechanisms would be effective in changing transportation behaviors. Second, we investigated the available mobile sensing projects to inform our design of sensing systems for micro-level air quality monitoring. Third, we searched for how existing literature and projects used the data obtained from smart sensing to engage and interact with users in providing informative information for citizens to self-protect against air pollution.

User survey

We conducted an online survey with Zhengzhou city residents and AV bus passengers to understand their motivation and needs using AV bus.

User journey

With the datasets from desk research and the survey results, I defined the customer journey of the AV bus riding experience into three stages and identified various customer touchpoints in each stage. Based on the results of the user survey, I identified design opportunities that are especially meaningful.

As a result, I defined the main design opportunities as to provide real-time information before the ride, to provide playful interaction during the ride, and to provide useful information about the journey after the ride.

Stage 1. Before boarding


92% of people in Zhengzhou check Air Quality data via mobile apps.

Other media channels such as screens in public space (32%) and broadcast (16%) are also important resources for them to understand air quality.

How might we...
Provide a better onscreen information for a pleasant ambience and experience in AV buses?

  • Realtime update

Stage 2. On boarding


Only 38% of people taking AV bus look at the screen on the bus.

76% of people in Zhengzhou said they continue to wear a mask in the bus.

How might we...
Provide a better onscreen contents for a pleasant ambience and experience in AV buses?


How might Xiaoyu, the Yutong's voice assistance, proactively interact with passengers as a smart agent for health and air quality information?

  • Entertaining and useful information
  • Interaction with Xiaoyu

Stage 3. After boarding


AV bus passengers takes multiple transit mode other than cars before/after boarding

How might we...
Inform passengers to be prepared with timely information of their destination?

  • On-site connection

Touchpoint Analysis

Based on these findings in the user journey, I focused on Kiosk, the screen inside the bus, and Xiaoyu among various touchpoints.

1. Kiosk

: Channel for communication of interest in the environment

Quotes from user survey
“If the cost and time are the same, I will choose the most eco-friendly public transportation.”

2. Indoor screen and Xiaoyu

: Channels for active promotions of air purification efforts by the company and the city

Quotes from user survey
“I'd like to know more about the indoor air quality of the self-driving bus.”

Design value and direction

From the result of a user survey, I identified customer profiles and needs to set the design direction for each touchpoint.

1. Greensumer

Customers value greenness in their choice of public transportation and also found that we could leverage multiple screens across the customer journey as the channel for conveying information about air quality.

2. Air around us

We should be more proactive in promoting the efforts of the city and Yutong to purify the air inside the bus, as our customers are most interested in the air quality inside the bus among the various air quality information.

UI Analysis

For design recommendation, I conducted current UI design analysis of the screen-based touchpoints.

1. Kiosk

2. Indoor screen

Concept proposal

1. A-Quality Branded Kiosk

Bus stations are the best places to promote the brand image to the public. Kiosks play important roles in shaping the first impression of this branding and actively conveying details on urban air quality improvement efforts by Zhengzhou and Yutong.

For example, the kiosk can deliver relevant health information while providing air quality information in cities, current bus stops, and buses with easy-to-understand icons. Using indicative colors with air-related information will help people understand information intuitively.

Key Value

Delivering AQ information intuitively & consistently

2. New city explorer

Our main target passengers are commuters who want to commute safely and tourists who want to experience new technologies. We can achieve an integrated customer experience by providing consistent branding and information used at other customer touchpoints.

Using screens and Xiaoyu to make information be more useful and interesting will increase the opportunity for customer interaction. For example, the AR camera technology can be used to provide air quality of tourist attractions in the city.

Key Value

Valuable information with multimodality

3. Air Quality Data Visualization Platform

Realtime air quality and public transportation information and action that people can take using plain language

UI Design (Wireframe)


MIT Sustainable Urbanization Lab Final Report →

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