Geunhee Lee
Samsung projects
Samsung projects
what I did

Design Research

UX / UI Design

UI Motion Design


UX Innovation Team

Product Planning Team

Good UX is about Building Connections

As a user experience (UX) designer at Samsung Electronics, I focused on building design skillsets to systemize design processes and produce the various formats of design deliverables. In order to answer my own question of why good mobile UX matters, I purposefully sought out different positions to experience various spectrums of design. I observed the user’s response to final design deliverables and to think about the social relation and function of design.

Working in a global company also helped me to cultivate collaboration and communication skills across multiple contexts. As an individual worker at headquarters, I worked with a global team with various backgrounds and professions while establishing intimate settings for the local context. This collaboration experience allowed me to recognize the importance of collective action and respect for diversity. In sum, I developed communication skills through multiple design disciplines and empathy for the interests and needs of internal/external clients, users, and target audiences.

Every project was a team project. The contents detail and original documents of projects are confidential and unable to post.

As a product planner, I was in charge of creative communication and rigorous user research & documentation to provide a future roadmap of products and services.

My experience as a product planner developed my strategic communication skills based on robust knowledge and experience from a wide range of UX design. In the project of proposing future camera application user experience, I collaborated on various research from excavating fundamental understanding of human behaviours to setting a framework and roadmap that guide better UX through future development.

I facilitated an ideation workshop in collaboration with other product planners to hear from young designers about their own camera UX and synthesized ideas. I also created a storyboard to stitch multiple ideas into one user scenario to best present the camera UX idea and worked on rapid prototyping in various fidelities.

I also created a data visualization of a complex ecosystem of AI-enabled products/services in Samsung Electronics to best communicate the AI landscape and its potentials with internal and external stakeholders.

Official Website →

As a design strategist, I learned to understand the users and narrate emotional communication.

Design strategy project for the One UI, which is Samsung’s custom user interface (UI) system for Google Android’s operating system, I collaborated to deliver Samsung’s fully redesigned mobile UX and UI. Particularly, I facilitated a virtual workshop with designers (UI/GUI/Motion designers/Technical writers) to bind the updates and new features together. I extracted keywords from the workshop and synthesized key features from what the designers are best proud of to strategically communicate its value to users. In this project, UX improvements were highlighted in a way that users can have a better understanding of design philosophy through tangible examples of usability and UI consistency. For example, the screen layout for some of Samsung’s native applications redesigned by One UI was divided into the viewing area and the interaction area, which was highlighted in the Galaxy S9’s marketing material as “more natural interaction.” I was in charge of strategically featuring how One UI also enabled users to focus on more important information for their tasks. My experience in One UI allowed me to understand end-users’ and clients’ needs and provide appropriate solutions.

Official Website →

As a UI motion designer, I gained knowledge about emotional and micro-interaction between digital information and humans.

In a UI motion design project for Bixby (Samsung’s voice assistant app), I designed how the user interface will react to the user’s voice input, considering the identity and emotional aspect of the voice assistant. To achieve this design goal, I worked with graphic designers and software developers.

To effectively collaborate across functional roles required me to translate multiple interests and, in some cases, convince others to take other perspectives. 

Official Website →

As a UI designer, I worked on the UI design projects for Samsung’s native mobile applications, such as Kids Mode (Samsung’s parental control app) and S Voice (Samsung’s previous voice assistant app), and developed my design research skills, as well as user interface design skills

The target users for Kids Mode are preschool children and their parents. Designing an app that is kids-friendly for parents and kids had various spectrum and possibilities from character design meets kids’ taste, to information design makes parents check the growth of kids. 

I designed the user interface for in-apps of Kids Mode and maintained guidelines for software engineers. I also conducted design research for appcessory (app + accessory), facilitate internal ideation workshops, and proposed appcessory ideas. 

Official Website →

We Are Full When We Are Full
Braille map