Geunhee Lee
Dear Charlie
Dear Charlie
what I did




Dialogue with the Charles River

Dear Charlie is a record of the dialogues between me and the Charles River in photos and videos, looking at the relationship nature has to humans in urban life -- out of balance, out of the human connection.

Dear Charlie was a part of the class project of  Sensing Place - Photography as Inquiry, Professor Anne Whiston Spirn, MIT.

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Project site →


Dear Charlie,

In the midst of the white frozen scene,

birds and their islands, and their footprints.

(They were good distractors and saviors.)


I don't have to scroll to read

the flow of light.

(and my flow in you)


This is perfect.

The magic hour today.


Sharp light  blows a fuse  inside me.

This quiet light will leave me soon.

I will forget this moment and light, and the light will forget me.

Now it’s gone forever.


It would be unnatural

if I don't recall death when I look at the flow in you.


As I look into you, I feel alive, but also, I feel it rather odd

— the fact that I am alive.


My unanswered questions flow with you.

Many things would have been scattered and forgotten.


My presence in the relationship with you was erased somehow.


I imagine everything slowly disappearing into your waters — like Ophelia's death.

I, space, light, sound, time, this madness,

and eventually

even yourself.


(But would our relationship be ephemeral?)

You suddenly threw a question back to me.

I interpret it with my context and read it as a whole.


To my dear,


my dark, quiet paradise.

The Nothing Book
Form Follows Theory